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IN THE NEWS:Gazette Newspapers Gazette.Net Riverdale, a repository of on-line articles for the Gazette newspapers.
BUSINESS:Maryland Chamber of Commerce Maryland's voice for business. Located in Annapolis, Maryland. Prince George's Chamber of Commerce Business organization advocating and supporting the needs and interests of local business - offers networking, lobbying, special events and more. Located in Lanham, Maryland. Department of Business & Economic Development
RECREATION:Department of Natural Resources Includes Maryland state parks and wildlife management areas. Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission Acquire, develop, maintain and administer a regional system of parks in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties.
SAFETY/LEGALDepartment of Public Safety and Correctional Services Govenor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention Assists in the development of legislation, policies, programs and budgets related to reducing and preventing crime, violence, delinquency and substance abuse. Located in Baltimore, Maryland.
TRANSPORTATIONDepartment of Transportation Located in BWI Airport, Maryland. Maryland State Highway Administration Maryland Transportation Authority Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) Maryland Aviation Administration
HEALTHDivision of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) Mission is to provide leadership and support promoting the employment, economic self-sufficiency and independence of individuals with disabilities. Located in Baltimore, Maryland. Health Care Financing Administration The federal agency that administers the Medicare, Medicaid and Child Health insurance programs. Located in Baltimore, Maryland.
SCHOOLSInteragency Committee on School Construction Established to provide State funding for eligible and justified public school construction projects that were approved by the Board of Public Works. Located in Baltimore, Maryland. Maryland Department of Education
OTHER INFORMATION ABOUT SURROUNDING COMMUNITIESRoute 1 communities Non-government links for Greenbelt are at www.greenbelt.com; government links are at www.ci.greenbelt.md.us. Information about other communities in Maryland are at WOWWORKS Maryland Guide
HOUSING & DEVELOPMENTBoard of Public Works Department of Housing and Community Development
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This page was last changed on Monday, August 14, 2000. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 10772 times. |