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Update on Ward 6 Issues for July 2001

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(Town Crier for July 2001 (Special Edition))
§ About This Special Edition
§ Summary Of Adopted Ordinances for July 2001
§ Councilmember Blaschke Announces Initial Plans
§ Community Circles for July 2001
§ Council Actions for July 2001
§ F4 Bus Route Temporarily Relocated
§ Town Holds Hearing on Group Home
§ Madison Hill Holds Recognition Ceremony
§ Mayor's Report for July 2001
§ Town Acquires Town Center Buildings
§ Update on Ward 6 Issues for July 2001
§ WSSC and Riverdale Park Enter Historic Agreement to Replace 85-Year-Old Mains

By Lissa Scott

I appreciate the residents of Ward 6 who gave me a second opportunity to work for your best interests. Of great importance is the construction on Kenilworth Avenue that is nearing completion. A side-effect of ameliorating traffic on this artery is vehicle ingress into our streets. Business patrons have difficulty making left turns along this strip, and problems with parking in the shopping areas remain. Although the Riverdale Traffic Study Committee has an outstanding invitation to State of Maryland Department of Public Works to discuss these concerns, let's all remember that the primary objective of this work was to improve pedestrian safety. It will take time for commuters to learn that Kenilworth Avenue is not a shortcut between Routes 295 and 495.

The start of the rejuvenation of Riverdale Road between Lafayette and Kenilworth Avenues is imminent. Improvements include wider, pedestrian-friendly sidewalks, period lighting, and road design aimed at reducing vehicle speed. Recently negotiated WSSC water line replacements will extend the life of this work. Please expect local traffic delays during the coming months. Our long-term benefit will surpass any short-term inconvenience.

Work is also scheduled to begin on the walking path in the town right-of-way on Greenway Drive. This will make the area safer for pedestrians while maintaining a natural look. Future plans include a tree planting that will also beautify the area. Outstanding issues in this community include working with M-NCPPC to relocate soccer games from Greenway Drive to the Northeast Branch Park and improving ingress from Kenilworth Avenue into Spring Lane.

I welcome your contact to discuss community issues. Call me at 301-927-5657 or contact me by email at

Lissa Scott is Ward 6 Councilmember

This page was last changed on Friday, June 29, 2001. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 4497 times.