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Council Actions for October 2002

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Following is a summary of council actions taken at the September 3 regular legislative session. Absences, abstentions, and opposing votes are noted.

Regular Legislative Session September 3, 2002 CM Almirez & Hart absent.

  1. Motion for the Town to co-sponsor a September 11th Commemoration Vigil of Remembrance and Hope at the Veteran's Memorial failed 3 - 1. CM C. Davis opposed.
  2. Approved a September 11th Commemoration Vigil of Remembrance and Hope at the Town Hall as advertised.
  3. Approved making the Town Hall available for MORE and a Thanksgiving event for a date to be determined subject to further information passed.
  4. Approved a six-foot fence at 4813 Rittenhouse St.
  5. Approved adoption of Resolution 2002-OR-1.
  6. Approved adoption of emergency Ordinance 2002-OR-4 for establishment of an apartment inspection program.
  7. Approved a dance permit for El Campesino Restaurant for a six month period.
This page was last changed on Sunday, November 17, 2002. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 4761 times.