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Code Corner

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(Town Crier for October 2003)
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§ Noticias en español para octubre de 2003
§ Ward 5 Report

by Colleen M. Ferguson
Chapter 36 of the Town Code covers: garbage, refuse and trash. No burning of trash is allowed anywhere in the Town, §36-4. Garbage containers are required with a proper fitting lid, §36-7. Loose trash of any kind must be placed in a container, §36-8 a-1. Trash may be placed out for collection no earlier than sundown the day prior to pickup, §36- 8 a-4. Penalty for violations of the above codes carry a fine of $50.

Please check the Town Crier calendar for your pickup days. Call the Public Works Dept. concerning special pickups. Special pickups must be arranged and paid in advance. Colleen Ferguson is the town's Code Enforcement Supervisor.

This page was last changed on Tuesday, November 25, 2003. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 4426 times.