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Town Crier for February 2001

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Young Resident on National Television

Marty Worsham

Marty Worsham is shown in his chef's clothing (note his name on the pocket) before his appearance on the Rosie O'Donnell Show.

Marty Worsham is an 11-year-old with a flair for cooking meals that would please the palate of a French chef. The son of Dawn and Martin Worsham of 45th Place, this young man's talent caught the attention of producers of the Rosie O'Donnell show. Marty made his television debut on the O'Donnell show in November and had the surprise of his life when Emeril Lagasse, a well-known French chef, came down from the audience to sample his shrimp Clemenceau.

While other children may watch science fiction or sports on television, Marty found fascination in the offerings on the Food Channel Network. Emeril Lagasse, who has a national reputation, is Marty Worsham's idol. This young resident realized a dream coming true when he appeared on the "Emeril's Manly Man Tailgate Party" show on January 21.

Congratulations to Marty for his special accomplishments and our best wishes to his parents as they help this bright young man along the way to a unique career.

This page was last changed on Saturday, May 5, 2001. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 7677 times.