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Town Crier for August 2001

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§ Resolution 2001-CR-2

Riverdale Elementary Receives $3,000 Grant for Improved Test Scores

Riverdale Elementary Principal Carmela Smith received a pleasant surprise in June. She was handed a check for $3,000 from the State of Maryland to be used to improve education at our local elementary school. The grant was recognition for the vastly improved test scores at the school on the state-wide MSPAP exam. While test scores were sagging county-wide, we are pleased at the improvements locally. Outgoing PTA President Ray Badders suggested "this is just the beginning of a positive trend we are seeing at Riverdale Elementary School. I have confidence that the staff at the school will continue to work diligently with all of our children to further these improvements."

The grant is a "no strings attached" check, provided that the money is used for educational purposes at the school. Principal Smith solicited input from parents, teachers and students on the appropriate use of the funds. Whatever it is ultimately used for, it can only aid in the continued improvements at the school.

Newly elected PTA President David Hiles echoed Mr. Badders comments. "This should be expected to continue through future years at the school with our return to neighborhood schools. This month our classes will begin with virtually all students living in the Riverdale Area. With the second year of the new curriculum in place we are looking forward to additional improvements next year."

This page was last changed on Sunday, September 9, 2001. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 8845 times.