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(Town Crier for May 2003)
§ Calling All Water Angels on May 31
§ Community Circles for May 2003
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§ Council Actions Summary for May 2003
§ Fair Summary of Charter Resolution 2003-CR-06
§ Fair Summary of Charter Resolution 2003-CR-07
§ Mayor's Report for May 2003
§ Notice of Adoption - Charter Resolution 2003-CR-04
§ Photos for May 2003
§ Public Works Notices for May 2003
§ NOTICIAS para Mayo 2003
§ Students Celebrate Trees
§ Town Candidate Forum May 1 2003

You are invited to participate in a unique Memorial Day observance. On May 30th, the traditional Memorial Day, we will gather at the Riverdale Park Veterans Monument at 8am for a brief and somber service. Reverend McKay from St. Bernards Catholic Church will be officiating. At this service, we will remember the military men and women who gave their lives while in service to our country. The unique aspect of the service is that we will be surrounded by a sea of American Flags. Each of these flags will represent a friend or relative who made the supreme sacrifice. Each of these flags will have the name of the deceased on the staff.

During the month of May, the Veterans Monument Committee will make these flags available on the monument grounds. Simply pick one up, day or night, write a name on the staff and place it in the ground. The flags will remain in place for another two weeks. At that time, they will be removed and given to the College Park American Legion. The College Park Legion, a major sponsor of our monument, will properly dispose of the flags during their annual Flag Day Ceremony.

Ray Badders, Chairman, Veterans Monument Committee

This page was last changed on Saturday, August 30, 2003. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 5793 times.