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My Continuing Wish List

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by Ann Ferguson

I have written a wish list in this space on a number of occasions at past holiday times. This year, I feel there is reason to believe some of these wishes may be coming true. In particular, I am encouraged by the efforts of good and decent people who are working to reduce the excesses of our entertainment media.

Also, more and more, parents are taking an active role to improve the status of this country's educational system. And, values and character building are becoming important once again and children are being taught the importance of honesty and truthfulness.

Once more I offer my list of wishes in the hope that each year more may begin to come true.

  • I wish children could enjoy an "age of innocence"--instead of being forced to know and deal with what was once solely the adult side of life.

  • I wish people still believed that some language is unacceptable in a decent society.

  • I wish all mothers and fathers understood that you don't buy your childrens' love and respect with things, but that your attention and guidance is what they desperately want.

  • I wish our society would send a message to the makers of movies and television shows to demand quality entertainment in exchange for our dollars not the murder, mayhem, and sex now offered.

  • I wish our governments and educators would care more about giving students learning basics under high standards than they do about experimental learning.

  • I wish respect for parents because of their sacrifices and for teachers because of their commitment was a part of all family and school experiences.

  • I wish values and character were respected qualities and not just joke topics for late night television hosts.

  • I wish all children were blessed with a mother and father in their lives to give them a chance for a better future.

This is not the kind of wish list that needs a magic genie to fulfill--just a change of direction in how we approach what is really important. I offer my hope that this holiday season will be happy, healthy, and joyful and my sincere wish that many of the above wishes are already true for you.

This page was last changed on Sunday, November 28, 1999. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 4202 times.