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Happy Birthday, Mr. Minetree

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Mr. Alvin Minetree, resident of Nicholson Street in Ward 3, will celebrate his 90th birthday in December. Mr. Minetree is a town treasure for his many years of gentle good works both in his neighborhood and around the town.

For years, residents enjoyed the sight of Mr. Minetree as he walked along on Taylor and Riverdale Roads--dressed in sartorial splendor--including a walking stick. During his stroll, Mr. Minetree picked up bits and pieces of litter as he believes you show your pride in your town by helping it to be a better place for everyone. In recent years he has limited his walks to his immediate neighborhood, but his good example inspired a resident of Oglethorpe Street to adopt the mansion grounds as a litter free area. Also, Mr. Minetree has made regular donations to town organizations for projects he finds exceptional.

With his wife, Wilhelmina, Mr. Minetree has been a resident of Riverdale Park for more than forty years.

We send our best wishes for a very Happy Birthday to a special person along with sincere wishes for many more to come.

This page was last changed on Sunday, November 28, 1999. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 4488 times.