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Council Actions for September 2000

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§ Second Time Around Shop Moving
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Following is a summary of council actions taken at the August 7 regular legislative session. Absences, abstentions and opposing votes are noted.

Regular Legislative Session August 7, 2000

1. Approval of 2000-OR-3, an amendment to the requirements for issuance of a building permit for projects over 1,000 square feet in commercial/industrial zones.

2. Adoption of 2000-R-3, a resolution to create a Town Center Redevelopment Committee.

3. Approval of reopening of curb cut on Harrison Avenue at Subway Restaurant (CM Davis opposed).

4. Approval of an additional $17,422 to the contract for town hall improvements to cover

electrical work in video room, a raised platform for the meeting table to accommodate microphone connections and additional sound-absorbing panels.

5. Approval of an additional $1500 for architect's fees to cover additional work approved for town hall improvement contract.

6. Approval that a street light be added to an existing pole between 6315-6317-51st Avenue.

7. Approval of installation of speed humps in the 6200 block of 44th Avenue and the 5000 block of Nicholson Street.

8. Expansion of approval for six-foot fence at 4813 Somerset Road to include additional portion of fence rear of the building line to the end of the property.

This page was last changed on Monday, September 18, 2000. Questions, comments, or submissions? See the Website Committee web page. This page has been accessed 4363 times.